Privacy Policy

Rauch Monitoring, a corporation organized for profit, respects the privacy of every user who visits our website, located at This includes all pages and services contained within the website.

Your privacy concerns are very important to us. This Privacy Policy demonstrates our commitment to you, the user. The following contains the information-gathering and dissemination practices we use while you are visiting our website. Rauch Monitoring will not use any personally identifiable information of a user from the site in any manner other than as specified in this Privacy Policy.

We do not collect or store personally identifiable information about you unless you have knowingly and willingly provided such information. This information you have provided will not be made available to other organizations. Users are under no obligation to provide personally identifiable information; however, they may not be eligible to participate in certain areas of the website without such information. Any personally identifiable information received is used for the purpose of improving the content of the website, to notify users of updates to the website and to contact users for marketing purposes or provide services to users.

Rauch Monitoring will not give or sell personally identifiable information to any outside organization without the user's written or electronically indicated consent. Such information may be shared with agents or contractors of the company, but only in connection with services that these individuals perform for the website.

We use cookies on this website to authenticate your user name and password IF APPLICABLE, and to maintain the login for the duration of your visit. Cookies also allow for the user name and password to be saved on a specific computer so that information is not required to be entered each time the website is visited, if so desired.

This website may provide links to third-party websites. While visiting these sites, other parties may collect personally identifiable information about you. This Privacy Policy dees not cover the information and practices of other parties.

E-mail is not privacy protected. Messages traveling through the Internet using e-mail are subject to viewing, alteration, and copying by potentially anyone on the Intemet. We encourage the user to send confidential correspondence only through the channels provided within this website.

Acceptance of Terms

By of using the website, a user confirms his or her assent to this Privacy Policy. Users unwilling to accept the terms this Privacy Policy should not access the website.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Rauch Monitoring reserves the right to make changes to the website and this Privacy Policy at any time. The changes will take place upon their posting on the website. Please review the terms of the policy as often as you feel necessary. Continued use of the website will serve as your confirmation that you agree with any and all changes that occur.